2019年6月30日 星期日

The Incantation of Gaṇapati’s Monkey Emanation: A Dhāraṇī of the Lord of Gatherings

The Incantation of Gaṇapati’s Monkey Emanation:
A Dhāraṇī of the Lord of Gatherings

(tshogs kyi bdag po’i sprul pa spre’u yi gzungs [ga na pa ti’i gzungs])

Translated from the Tibetan by Erick Tsiknopoulos

Now then, if you recite as much as possible this Incantation of Gaṇapati’s Monkey Emanation, you will not be deprived of food and wealth:



When you continuously intone the recitation of this Heart-Mantra, right away [at those very times] you will find great treasures of wealth. You will become equal in fortune to a Wheel Turning King of the Thousandfold Universe.

If you recite this Heart-Mantra many times, and then rub your eyes, then whoever you see will be brought under your influence [and magnetized]. If at night before sleeping you rub Mantra-Water in your eyes and then sleep, whatever you wish for will be seen in dreams.

On the day of the constellation Puṣyā, if you construct, upon precious materials such as gold, the form of a monkey with an erect penis, hands joined at the palms and holding a single stick of incense between them, and moreover, above this generate [in visualization] the Lord of Gatherings (Gaṇapati), recite this Incantation, and in the three times [of morning, afternoon and evening] scent and make offerings with the smoke of black aloe-wood, then all wealth will increase.


[Tibetan pronunciation: OṂ NAGALA SKAMAN DZAYE SŌHĀ]

All obstructing spirits will give wealth. All humans will make offerings to you as [they would] to a king. The Yakṣas will open treasuries, and in your next life too you shall find great treasures of wealth.



Mantra-Water: sngags chu (‘Mantra-water’) refers to water that has had Mantras or Dhāraṇīs chanted over it or near it, thus making it consecrated and imbued with the blessing-power of the recited Mantra or Dhāraṇī.

The Constellation Puṣyā: ‘the king of stars ’(skar ma rgyal), a mansion (khyim) or constellation (Sanskrit: नक्षत्र nakṣatra) of the Indian and Tibetan lunar zodiac, the seventh or eighth of the twenty-seven or twenty-eight lunar constellations (depending on whether the calculation begins from 0 or 1), and corresponding to the constellation of Cancer (in particular Mid-Cancer or ‘Delta Cancri’) in Western astrology. This day is associated with gold and wealth, as well as herbs, and according to Indian medicines such as Ayurveda and Siddha, it is considered to be an auspicious one for administrating drugs, which seem to have a more potent effect on this day. Its name in Sanskrit, pronounced ‘Pooshyah’, means ‘nourishing’, which indicates its connection with increase and growth.

Black aloe-wood (or ‘aloewood’):  ‘black Agaru’ (a gar u nag po), is a kind of aloe-wood or eaglewood, used for both incense (as in this text) and medicine. According to the ‘Tibetan-English Dictionary of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology (bod lugs sman rtsis kyi tshig mdzod bod dbyin shan sbyar), aloe-wood or eaglewood in general (not just the ‘black’ variety) are known by the Sanskrit name of agaru, the Hindi name of agar (which is also its more well-known name in Tibetan), and the Latin botanical or scientific name of aquilaria agalocha. Its taste is bitter and acrid, its potency is considered to be ‘smooth’, and it is beneficial in the treatment of carditis, fever in the ‘life channel’ (or ‘life-force channel’, srog rtsa), depression, ear and eye infections, poisoning and fever. It is the main or base ingredient in the various formulations of the Tibetan medicine known as ‘Agar’ (such as Agar 8, Agar15, Agar 17, Agar 20, Agar 35, etc.).

Translated from the Tibetan by Erick Tsiknopoulos and the Sugatagarbha Translation Group, late January 2015 in McLeod Ganj, Dharamsala, India.

